Its funny, not funny ‘haha’ but ironically funny, Murphy’s law, those weird bizarre phenomena that we really know nothing about. But what we do know is, those days when it feels like nothing can go right….
It can roll something like this:
Wake up, all is ok, but someone, anyone could be and is in a bad mood.
Someone in the family has forgotten something and we now need to return home to collect it because it is important, and everyone is late, then someone else apparently didn’t show up to roll call so the school is contacted in somewhat of a panic because this is extremely out of character, only to find out that yes, they were there all along. People are driving crazy all over the road and you may just have got a speeding ticket, whoops. On top of that all you want is to fit in a run/walk (you can’t decide because you are not even sure how you feel and what you need). The audiobook didn’t upload ready for the run/walk and will only do so with WIFI, to which you are not close to, it is hot and sunny outside, and the beach looks great, but you have forgotten your hat and sunscreen and the refills for the SodaStream. This is all before 8:30am.
What to do? There are many options popping into your head isn’t there. Go home and go back to sleep – guess what work is calling. Let the child fail and deal with the consequences – not really an option as everyone will only end up being 10mins late (not the end of the world). Everyone else on the road is also having a bad day and is late too but you can slow down as to not cause an accident. Walk in the sun, get a little sunburnt or go and get ready for work. Consider that your level of overwhelm is far less than those who are living through a war.
Maybe only the astrologers, physicist, spiritual gurus have the subject specific answers based on what they study. But it still does not help us deal with the craziness that presents on those days, weeks, moments.
On these days what do you do to avoid the overwhelm? Have you ever stopped in the moment of chaos to consider this? If not, I urge you to try it before your cortisol levels rise too high and stop your frontal lobe from working at capacity.
Some thoughts to assist with the pending imploding that comes with these situations:
- Literally STOP and take 10 deep breaths, you will be late anyway.
- Consider what you can control for example, not speeding, your reaction to others or what is happening.
- Prioritise what is important and to whom. Someone may miss out; you may not be popular.
- Approach the ongoing craziness with an open mind and curious state rather than one of doom and gloom. It is surprising what you can learn from this.
- Avoid comparing to others and their situations, deal with what is presenting in the moment.
- Sometimes you must make the best decision that you can in the moment and deal with the consequences later. Often the best decision in the moment is the right decision and you would be required to deal with some consequences regardless.
- Don’t give up, but don’t feel the need to control. Often things happen to us and around us and the only thing that we can control is our reaction. In doing this you will always have the power, whatever that power needs to look like in that moment.
- Don’t be scared to make mistakes. You can learn from them.
- Consider that this craziness is temporary without timeframe,
- Remember not all is bad in your life only this situation, this day, this moment.
Have a great day.