How much do you pack in your bag?
We will all choose how much we will pack moving forward as we encompass the many changes ahead, each individual and group will choose whether they want to travel light or heavy and what they will need. It is a good time to review what is in your bag and take out what is no longer required for the next part of the journey, things to consider:
- Emotions
- Thoughts
- Resentments
- Old habits
- Bad habits
- Heaviness
- Relationships that feel heavy to bring along
It is also a great time to consider what may be required moving forward, you can try it on for size and review with the beauty of hindsight:
- Attitudes
- Thoughts
- New Habits
- Maturity
- Lightness
- Relationships that assist you to move forward
- New learnings.
Have fun re-packing your bags and enjoy the rest of your week!