As long as I can remember adults in my life were ‘planning for their retirement’
What are the activities of someone who is retired and what does their life look like? This is based on the person’s interests/passions/aspirations/planning, health and mostly finances. So the activities that most of those that are retired can vary greatly. And with many changes in the economy, financial institutions and longer lifespans people may work longer or change what activities they are doing.
The main thing to remember and look at is health and quality of life for this age group. A lot of people in this age group will start to notice that their health will impact on the activities that they can and can not do and so will the finances that they have to support their lifestyle. All people will still be participating in the normal activities of daily living which include; sleeping, self-care activities, work/volunteer/activities that interest them, leisure activities and some spiritual activities. The ratio of work or activities that interest them and leisure activities will vary and change significantly through this time.
Depending on each individuals situation and whether they have children, the age of their children and whether they are still living at home or requiring some assistance i.e. if they are studying or starting out will have some impact on the activities of retired people. The introduction of grandchildren will also determine activities that the people in this age group are choosing to do.
For future generations to come it will be interesting to see how ‘retirement’ will be viewed because governments and financial institutions will not be assisting as much as they have to date in various countries and this time of life will be significantly different for future generations and probably a lot later in life as future generations will be unable to stop working as early as the current generations that have.
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