The magic of insight.
Insight sometimes comes from hindsight, in can often come from a simple conversation, not necessarily in the moment but in the afterthought, it can come while you are walking outside or in the shower.
The magic is that it can change the course of action long enough to assist a person, or a group to stop repeating the same things to gain a different outcome, therefore it is the deeper understanding gained through the insight the the person or group did not previously see, know or understand.
We have all heard the saying form Einstein “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created it”.
But what does that even mean????
If you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting the same result. This is great if you want the same thing, but most people are looking for something different, it is in our nature, it creates a force of evolution to a degree.
But how do you get insight, how do you generate the change?
Insight is a quiet realisation, it can sometimes be a big Oh WOW moment, but more often than not it is the forming of a different thought pattern and the realisation of this. It is funny we can gain insight from many different things, but we also have to be open to it as well. It can come from conversations with others, particularly when we don’t agree or simply when we are walking and focused on something else, when something makes us mad or when we are forced to think and/or be differently for whatever reason. But approaching something differently and doing something different can assist to gain insight.
Once you have these insights, it’s what you do with the information that will create the change. It can simply be trying a new approach such as thinking, acting, approaching, feeling differently with this new knowledge to actively carrying out the changes associated or related to the insights.
Insights can be powerful and can change the course of action and yet can come from simple realisations.
What insights will you be open to over the next week?