We all have dreams, it doesn’t matter whether they are at night when we sleep or something that we are aiming for, a surreal moment in our day or life.
Have you ever had one of those dreams that was so surreal that it could have been when you were asleep or awake but it opened your eyes to a whole new world and created so much change within? Well, that is a dream that I had recently which I will share below.
I don’t normally dream and therefore things like dream analysis are a bit beyond me, but, this dream was a melting pot of fairytale crossed with Chronicles of Narnia, a bit of Wizard of Oz and a good dose of Avengers when you work out how the Avengers got their superpowers.
In the dream, I was part of a group invited to this house but there were actually two houses as the dream progressed, and in these houses were all sorts of magic and amazingness like any good dream would have. It was like the pull of the houses created some craziness around the dream, like insane traffic, filming, leaving garage doors open to your real life where your fabulous neighbours stay home all day watching so no-one goes inside.
In the dream, I seem to have spent my whole time lost, lost getting to and from the house, lost in the town, lost in thought, lost in time and space, well actually like most dreams time and space seem to be irrelevant. And that amazing feeling where I had stepped out of my real life for I don’t how long and I just re-appeared and nobody had noticed except me.
There were these two witches who create the magic swirling around, they represent different things and yet create some amazing trance like wholeness of magic. These witches cast spells that help you to find and amplify your superpowers whatever they may be. The only requirement… is that you are prepared to go within, you are prepared to look deep so that you can learn who you are and how to use these superpowers for good, because this could have an impact on an individual, on a group or on the world.
The witches’ spells take you through these amazing channels within yourself, within relationships within the world and within realms of consciousness and the universe. There were so many layers, twists and turns, revelations and the learning of magic spells. There were welcoming and goodbye ceremonies, there were aboriginals, ancestors, dream figures, ghosts, emerging identities, barriers to be broken down or build bridges over, journeys to start, explore or ground. There were tango dancers, adventure tour guides and other witches put in tin cans, sumo wrestlers, freedom fighters and snakes and vapours and all sorts of amazing creatures that would appear and none in the dream seemed threatening however on their own in a different situation could have looked very different.
Towards the end of the dream, I was still lost and I seemed to miss the turnoff from the highway to my place and I ended up at a school stuck in traffic listening to my kids’ playlist without my kids, a little bewildered about what had happened and what was going on.
The funny thing is, at the end of the dream it was this bizarre feeling of change, so much change within and yet nothing had changed or stayed the same. It was like I had been in this dream submersed for full absorption and I had learnt all this amazing magic myself and yet I felt like I hadn’t quite mastered it but was so very excited and yet humbled to have acquired it.
Here’s to everyone’s dreams!!!!
Have a great weekend and don’t be scared to dream.
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