Its funny the whole paradigm shift we are seeing in health is across our whole lives, have you noticed this? So many people have ‘chronic problems’ whether it be physical health, mental health or a combination of the two, or chronic work problems, or chronic financial problems, or chronic relationship problems.
The food that we were lead to believe to eat the most of has now turned out to be what is considered the worst for our health and a massive contribution to lots of chronic health conditions, so we have had to revisit how our bodies work and what they require.
Our lives, we are seeking simplicity, tidiness, quiet, escaping. Our worlds are moving at such a rapid pace and we are constantly contactable, always needing to compete and over-achieve, and we all need to have some life plan to ensure we can achieve and slow down – lets pencil it all in while we process it all.
We cannot change the rate at which things in the world are moving and how this is affecting our lives, but I think that we can have a very close look at what the basics of our lives are, and this foundation can then build what we do and what is important to us and therefore not be caught up in the speed of life but jump on and off that very fast bullet train as we need to. This will be different for everyone. Some basics may include health, home, work, family.
If it is health we need to consider that we eat the least processed diet and while this may appear hard on the surface when we look at it a little more closely it also means making time to shop for fresh ingredients and having the time to cook them. Therefore, slowing down may be required.
Making sure we have a roof over our heads. This does mean having the finances to afford it whether it be buying or renting, but really being honest with ourselves about what and how much of a house we need (this will be different for everyone), and to what lengths in terms of work and success do we need to achieve that? Do you need the beautiful house in the mountains where you cannot even afford a holiday? Do you need the extra holiday house? Why do you need to rent a house that costs that much? There are no right or wrong answers here it is about understanding why we believe we need the extent that we do and avoiding creating more stress about it than necessary. It is once we can really be honest with ourselves about ‘why’ only then can we prioritise. Once we start prioritising we tend to take the less processed option i.e. the apple over the high sugar quick feel good muffin, or the job where we can have flexibility to work around our family, the house in the not so perfect postcode, no holiday house because we love travelling and it is not our responsibility to please everyone or compete with them but to just be ourselves.
Allowing the time to consider our lives is precious these days and making sure that we all have time to do this so that we can pay better attention to what we choose and its effects us at our most basic needs is very important. Once we can start doing that we tend to do it more simply and lead a less processed life.
Need help ‘un-processing’ your life? Contact me at