I have been writing a few blogs of late and nothing was jumping out at me, nothing made me excited or think ‘that is it’, there has been no depth. I have to say the same has been with books, I have struggled to find one that I can sit with to read or to listen to. This happens I know but it is frustrating when you feel like you need to make it happen. Cue: Stop pushing the process…….
So, I did….
This is not a blog post with some amazing insight, or tit-bits of information to consider to improve something in your life. This is about awareness. This is about a book that has touched me so deeply. The book – Sam Bloom: Heartache & Birdsong by Samantha Bloom, by Cameron Bloom and Bradley Trevor Greive.
A bit of background… I found the Instagram page ‘Penguin The Magpie’ a number of years ago and began following it. I loved it, I guess because I love nature, animals and people doing good things for other things ie in this case the baby magpie becoming a pet?. We had rescued a baby Lorikeet from the attack of a crow, we all loved this little character Ollie, who brang us so much laughter and fun. So, I loved seeing the updated posts on this page about the magpie. Not ever did I realise the depth behind what this magpie had brought a person and a family, until I found out about the book ‘Penguin Bloom’. But listening to the audio version of Sam Bloom Heartache and Birdsong had me gripped to her story.
I am a health professional by background and I have worked with many people, from many different areas, walks of life, with differing diagnosis and situations. I am always amazed, often empathetic to them and their situations. But here is the thing as a health professional you learn you can only ever do so much for a person and with a person. The person; the client; the claimant; the patient, needs to be ready on their own terms. Here is the another consideration; it is often something outside of any therapy session, conversation or intention that will create a synchronistic connection with the person that will assist them on whatever journey they need to travel upon, we often provide the therapy/intervention/strategy but that is where it ends. We often never hear how clients lives progress and change over the years either so to follow a story of someones journey is fascinating.
I cried through the book; the loss, the hurt, the anger, the guilt, the grief, the gratitude, the love, the community, the family, the honesty. Even now writing the post some of the memories of the book make me well up. I am not sure when I will be ready to watch the movie, but I know I will.
Since training as a coach I have learnt things that I knew as a health professional but perceptions are now changed. I trust the other persons’ process far more than I ever did, I do not worry as much that I have to ‘do as much’ for the desired outcome, I trust that the person is whole and complete as they are (even when they do not believe they are) and they often have the solutions/strategies when approached from a place of openness and curiosity. This story further consolidated these knows and these learnings.
If you choose to watch the movie, read/listen to the books you won’t regret it. Let the vast amount of information that you take in within the process to further elevate your awareness of what it is like for those that have suffered trauma and allow it to make you more empathetic towards others than you previously were.
Have a great day!!